Thursday, November 6, 2008

It's The Most Wonderful Time of The Year

I am usually an early shopper when it comes to Christmas. Typically I am almost finished by this time. I'm not sure what's happened to me this year. I have bought a few little things here and there but am no where near being done. In the past I've done most of my shopping online. It was just easier to browse online at Aidan's naptime than to drag him to a store and try to look for specific things. And I think you can find some great deals online.
But here it is the first week of November and not only do I have a minimal amount of my shopping done but I also have no idea what we're getting the boys or what I'm getting Jim.
So help me out...

Are you an online shopper?

What are you getting your kiddos for Christmas this year? (My boys have asked for a trampoline- YIKES!)

Do you like to get out in the madness that is the day after Thanksgiving? If so, what's the best deal you've ever found? And what's the earliest you've ever been out on the Friday after Thanksgiving?

What are you getting your hubby?


Sarah said...

this is a fun post!! to answer your questions: no I'm not really an online shopper. I will purchase online though if it's the better deal and/or if you can only get it online. Jeremy really wants to get the girls a Gator. I'd love to get them a trampoline too but I'm sure that will have to wait. However while I'm on the trampoline thing you should really check @ Academy sports~they have one where the enclosure is made into the frame. This seems safer to me and I have a friend that has one and they love it. And then finally I LOVE shopping the day after Thanksgiving. I typically go about 5 I think, whenever they open. It's normally a family thing that I do with my mom and aunt but until kids Jeremy went too. It really is fun, even if you don't buy anything just to watch people. The best thing to do if you do shop on Black Friday is to have a good attitude. Know that you're probably not going to find everything you're looking for but just enjoy the hunt.

Oh, and I have no idea what I'm getting Jeremy. Last year we bought the house :) and it's been the present that just keeps on giving.

can't wait for more responses!!!!

Heather said...

Great post. I shop online for Christmas only if I can't find something in the store. YES, I get out the day after Christmas, I won't say I love it, but you can find some great deals. The best deal, wow that's a good question, I don't know! I'd have to think. Matt and I are not getting each other anything this year, we do each other stockings but that is it. We decided we wanted a date night when we come in town, we don't get those anymore except with our kids, and save on money, since we will be spending it on gas to come home!! :)

Montee said...

Well, with Britnee and Brett being older, we don't buy as much as we used to. i don't have the urgency to get find the favorite toy and that is nice. I do miss having little ones on Christmas morning. I have bought online because I hate going into San Antonio. This year Britnee will get a Garmin, a couple of things from her favorite boutique and a few gift cards she could use at college. Brett wants a stereo system for the old Mitsubishi he drives. After the cost of that, he may not get anything else. Phillip just bought a new video camera to take on his Kansas hunt, so that may be his gift with some stocking stuffers. I am having a chair recovered, so that may be mine. I have been shopping on the Friday after Thanksgiving one time and ONLY one time. I will not do that again! People were like wild animals! I went with my sister when I lived in Clarksville. I believe we left my house at 5:30 am. We went to KMart first. It was great, no one was there. I thought, "This isn't so bad." Ha! Headed to Target and the whole population of Clarksville, TN was there. Madness!

Audrey said...

great post!

We like to get out in it and shop. Granted we'll do it on date night and usually not with the kids. However, I do plan on using my yrewards to shop online this year some!

The Smiths may've inspired us to get a big blow up thing for our very small bonus room. Andrew is determined to get one, be it HIS gift of the boys' :-D

I always say I won't get out, but we somehow manage to get out in it all. The only time I've actually gone with a mission was when I was still living at home, so mom and I got out really early (maybe 5am?) to get a new tree. I can't remember the exact deal, but it was really good one.

Andrew and I think we're going to get a sleep number mattress this Christmas so that will probably be our gift to each other...we're so old. "What do you want for Christmas honey?" "Well, our backs are hurting, let's get a mattress" !!! haha