Thursday, October 16, 2008


Ashley posted this on a mommies message board. I thought it was worth posting on here. I can tell you from personal experience with the last election, early voting is the way to go. I stood in line for a LONG time to vote during the last election. Early voting gives you a chance to get it done without the crowd.
Whatever your political persuasion, please vote. Too many people have given their lives so that we have this privilege.
If you live in Sumner County, here are your early voting locations, dates and times.

Early Voting Locations:
Hendersonville- Sumner Co. Gov’t Bldg (old water dept. on Dunn St)
Oct.18,25- 9am-3pm
Oct. 27,28- noon- 6pm

Gallatin- Sumner Co. Admin. Bldg.
Oct.15-17, Oct.20-24, Oct.27-28- 8am-4:30pm.
Oct.18,25- 9am-3pm
Oct.29-30- 8am-7pm.

White House- White House City hall
Oct.21-23- noon-6pm.
Oct.22- noon-7pm.

Westmoreland- VFW
Oct.27-28- noon-6pm.

Portland- JE Kerly Bldg.
Oct.20,21- Noon-6pm.
Oct.22- noon-7pm.
Oct. 29- noon-7pm

1 comment:

Montee said...

Britnee will be voting for the first time in this election. She will be home from Baylor next weekend, so we will go together to early vote.