Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Smart Move or Crazy

If you've been reading my blog, you know that I am working on losing weight. I've lost some. If I told you how much in how long, well lets just say you wouldn't be impressed. I haven't weighed myself in a while. I like to go by how my clothes fit and how I feel more so than the number on the scale.
Losing weight sure isn't as easy as it used to be. I don't know if its having two small boys that keep me on my toes and when there is time to exercise, I'm just too tired to or if its being in my late thirties and just not having the metabolism I had in my twenties. Probably a little of both and add in the fact that my WORST time of day eating wise is from 7pm to bedtime.
I haven't given up. I know I need to kick it up a notch in both diet and exercise and I'm working on that. My new motivator is- and here's where you'll either think smart move or crazy lady... that I just ordered some new spring and summer clothes and I ordered my pants and shorts in a size smaller than I am now.
Before you think I have lost my mind, its important to note that the size I am now is loose on me. So, I'm not going from the top of my size all the way to a different size. Its very doable. The payoff other than feeling tons better about myself is that I'll have new clothes to wear. I'm very frugal and I know myself. If I can't fit in to my new stuff, I won't buy any other new things. So I've either got to lose the weight or let my new clothes hang in my closet taunting me.
I'll let you know how it works. Could be a great motivator.


Sarah said...

I don't think you're crazy. I recently bought my swim suit for this year (maybe I'm the crazy one!! :)) and it's not really too small but a little snugger than I prefer. I'm hoping to get back on the bandwagon next week! Good luck, what's your plan of attack?

Montee said...

I think this is the best motivator. I am like you. If I spend money on something, it had better be worth it. I am about to leave to try out a Boot Camp. I am more crazy than you!

Susan said...

Montee- I want to hear how the boot camp went. You go girl!!
Sarah- my plan of attack is.. I joined the Y back on Monday - so no less than three times a week there. I am also doing the challenge Ashley had on her blog about 100 sit ups and 40 push ups a day. And as much as I hate to d it, I'm going to start counting my points again like I did with Weight Watchers. And I have been eyeing the Biggest Loser DVD workout! :)
I think we can do it!!!! I know I'll see you this summer at the pool and your swimsuit will fit perfectly and I'll be in my size less shorts! :)