Monday, November 10, 2008

Burn Baby, Burn

I chose this title because this is what the kids were singing as we sat around the bonfire- Disco Inferno. Yeah- they only knew the "Burn baby burn" part. :) A few weeks ago, we had a bonfire cookout with the Whites. Ralph cleared us a spot and got a great fire going so we could roast hot dogs and marshmallows. The kids decided to dress in their Halloween costumes so they could play. Drake and Avery played Star Wars and Kinsey and Aidan played something that included the hundreds of dogs little Kinsey has. She loves her dogs!
The kids actually played so the adults were able to talk a while. When it started getting dark, we took turns telling scary stories around the fire. It was hilarious to hear the stories that the kids came up with. Actually, my scary story came true thanks in part to Ralph! We still love you Uncle Ralph. :)
A good time was had by all and we decided that it was the beginning of the annual White-Waters Weenie Roast.

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