Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Christmas Quiz

I love these kinds of things so I thought I'd come up with a few questions regarding the holidays. I look forward to reading the answers! I'll post mine in the comment section.

1. Your favorite Christmas Carol/song...

2. Your favorite holiday dessert...

3. When do you open Christmas presents- Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?

4. A holiday tradition you have...

5. Lamest Christmas present (oh come on! We've all received a few and maybe even given a few.)

6. Egg Nog or Boiled Custard?

7. Least favorite holiday food...


Susan said...

1. God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
2. Red Velvet Cake (we had a family friend who made this every year for our Christmas get together)
3. Christmas Eve- my dad had to be at work crazy early and always worked on Christmas day so we opened our presents the night before so he could be there.
4. We just started this a couple of years ago. On Christmas Eve, the boys, Jim and I get in bed I read the Christmas story from the Bible.
5. When I was a teenager, my parents got me a typewrite one year. :(
6. Boiled Custard- hands down- except now that I know how many calories and how much fat is in it, I can't bring myself to drink it. Sometimes its better to be ignorant.
7. Chocolate covered cherries- YUCK!!

Jennifer said...

1.Oh Holy Night & The Christmas Song (Chestnuts roasting on an open fire...)
2.Hot Fudge Cake or Cheesecake
3.One on Christmas Eve, the rest on Christmas Day
4.Just asked about this on my blog :)
5.a 3' wooden teddy bear holding a lantern in one hand and his over-stuffed belly in the other. And, it wasn't a joke!
6.Neither, yuck. I'm all about the spiced cider or hot chocolate
7.fruit cake and pumpkin pie

Montee said...

1. Oh, Holy Night sung by Martina McBride. I will also admit,Christmas songs sung by Elvis. Johnny Mathis singing Christmas songs. Reminds me of Christmas with mama.

2. Red Velvet Cake

3. Christmas Day

4. Always make fudge, watch Charlie Brown Christmas, Rudolph, Drummer Boy, and It's A Wonderful Life. Always go to candlelight services at church. Beautiful.

5. I really haven't received a bad one. Phillip did from our ex-sister-in-law. She gave him long underwear, just the bottoms.

6. Egg Nog!!

7. Ambrosia. I am not a big coconut fan.

Anonymous said...

1. Oh Holy Night, Jingle Bells, Precious Promise- All of em! I can't name just one!!!
2. Peanut Butter Balls, coconut cake
3. christmas eve with Josh's parents/ let the boys open one from us usually. christmas day our family/ then go to Mom's with my family.
4. Make gingerbread houses, advent calendar, bake cookies for Santa, watch christmas movies together, church programs, go visit Santa- hide Baby Jesus on Christmas eve and kids have to find him before opening any presents.
5. I honestly can't think of one...
6. neither- I like hot chocolate or cider like Jennifer!
7. celery with pimento cheese

Tracy Brothers said...

1. Oh Holy Night, Let There Be Peace on Earth, Tender Tennessee Christmas

2. Iced Sugar Cookies

3. Open pajamas on Christmas Eve, everything else Christmas Day

4. Oh, I just put this on Jennifer's blog, 3 gifts from Santa for the 3 gifts from the wisemen, driving to Lebanon to see the Christmas lights in our pajamas.

5. The year my parents gave me lots of exercise equipment. Needless to say, I took it the wrong way.

6. Neither, I'll say wine. :)

7. Fruit cake

Sarah said...

I'm a little late on this one but I LOVE Christmas so I'll share anyway!

1. Tennessee Christmas by Alabama. Hands down my favorite and each year means more and more to me. It's the only kind of Christmas I know.

2.My aunt's chocolate pie. She refuses to give ANYONE her recipe but always remembers to make me one!

3.We open presents on both but from each other on Christmas Day. ALL of our family lives here so including our own we have 5 houses to be @ in 2 days. Growing up we opened them on Christmas Eve and never knew the whole Christmas morning thing...I wanted to see the excitement from my kids!

4. We don't really have any traditions yet but I REALLY want to start them. I think this will be a post on my blog.

5.The Irish Santa Clause my grandmother gave me....I gave it to her the year before!!! SERIOUSLY!

6.neither~Hot chocolate

7.deviled eggs and fruit cake

Audrey said...

Fun Fun! I may take your idea (but not questions, I promise) if you don't mind for my blog.

1. I love SO many songs but for some reason "O Come All Ye Faitful" always gets me. The meaning is amazing! All of these believers had been faithfully waiting, waiting, and waiting..and He arrived.

2) One of the pies like chess or pecan

3) Mainly Christmas Day. A few on Christmas Eve might sneak in :-)

4) Proclamation Ornaments, Christmas lights & Cracker Barrell (the boys in their Christmas jammies)

5) I cannot reveal the person that gave it to me, but a very weird necklace. 'nough said.

6) Low Fat Kroger Egg Nog, there's something about it!

7) my mom, who is truly a great cook, makes these 'copper pennies' which are carrots and other stuff. Everyone likes it besides me. YUCK!