Thursday, October 25, 2007


The first step is admitting you have a problem...

Hello, My name is Susan and I'm a blogoholic

There I said it!! Other than caffeine, I can't really say that I've ever been addicted to anything until now. Seriously, I feel like one of my children- I'm going to have to limit my time on the computer just like I limit my boys' time watching tv. How sad! :( Its just that there are so many truly insightful, wonderfully entertaining blogs (some of the ladies at my church have a real talent for writing!!) I love the blogs about every day life just as much as I love the ones about topics that challenge me and get me thinking. So, ok I may sit down just to check a friends blog and here I go from link to link to link and I realize its been 30 minutes and I'm reading someone's blog I don't even know!
I remember watching this episode of Oprah a while back where she challenged people to step outside their comfort zone so to speak. For example- this lady who never left her house unless she was fully made up decided for a week(or some specified time) to go out to places without her makeup. One lady decided that she was going to give up her computer for a week (or again whatever specified time it was). Could I leave my computer shut down for an entire day?? Hmmmmm...


Audrey said...

My name is Audrey and I am one, too.

Susan said...

LOL! Maybe we should form some kind of support group.

Anonymous said...

You know it's funny b/c I never knew what people did on the computer for long periods of time. I would check my email and that's about it. Then I would sit and stare and wonder what else people I know. I've got ot limit my time, too, or it gets away from me before I know it. I find myself laughing at things and thinking, "I've got to blog about taht!"

Welcome to our crazy blessed life said... too. :) Sometimes I end up doing 2 or 3 blogs in one day to catch up with the week.

Anonymous said...

OK, I am so NEW to this world of blogging, but I have found myself getting "stressed" thinking about what to BLOG about...haha! Then I laugh out loud at myself. I was just praying last night about this...I think I will have to limit myself, too!!