Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Single Parents

I know as much as I can know without having experienced it myself that being a single parent is extremely difficult. I'm never more reminded of that than when my husband is out of town for an extended period of time. I am a stay at home mom and accustomed to having my children by myself for a good portion of the day. So, you'd think that a few more hours in the evening until bedtime by myself with them would be a breeze. Yeah, right! :) There is something about knowing that another adult is coming home. My kids even sense it. There is something about knowing that when that person gets home, a little bit of a break awaits you. There is someone else to play the Backyardigans game(for the millionth time), to answer a million questions (most of them the same questions over and over again), to take small ones to the potty, and the list goes on and on... I LOVE being a stay at home mom and would never trade the time I get to spend with my children. I know that not everyone has the opportunity to do that. Having said that, I LOVE that time of day when my husband comes home from work. I have such admiration for single parents who do all of these things and more day in and day out without even that small break in sight.

My husband has been out of town this week and here's what I've learned...

There's no way to get any kind of sleep with two boys sleeping in the bed with you. (I think I could use a visit to a chiropractor -Aidan's slept with his feet in my back every night)

Its near impossible to do homework with your 6 year old when there's no one there to distract your 3 year old (I could use some suggestions from those single parents who have to do this)

You shouldn't attempt (although I've done it many times without incident) to wash your bed pillows in the washer (I'm stilling pulling fluff out of my washer and dryer!)

Someone's always gonna get sick. :)

You CAN feel as tired as you did when you had a newborn.

Yes, we love daddy and we look forward to his return!

1 comment:

Audrey said...

man, that's good stuff right there, haha :-)