Sunday, October 14, 2007

Pumpkin Fun

I love this time of year. There's a crispness in the air (ok so maybe not yesterday or today with our 80 degree temps) and I love all of the color that autumn brings. My boys love it too! They were so excited to break out their jeans and long sleeve shirts last week. Its funny how even though they are 6 and 3, they still get into the fun of finally getting to wear your new fall clothes. We had some pumpkin fun yesterday. Avery enjoyed getting to transfer his pattern on to his pumpkin all by himself and Aidan had a blast painting his pumpkin. You would think that two boys would want to get down and dirty and for the first one or two scoops they were fine. But, daddy had to come in to finish the job scooping out the pumpkin guts. :)

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