Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Were You Raised in a Barn??

I have to admit that I just woke up grumpy today. I took the boys to see Horton Hears a Who at the new Hendersonville theater. Typically I put those caprisuns in my purse and snacks so that I don't have to mortgage the house to buy a small coke and a box of M&Ms. Today I forgot the drinks so we actually had to buy them. Aidan won't drink carbonated stuff so I bought me a diet coke, Avery a sprite, and then asked for a cup of water for Aidan. They charged me $4 for a cup of water- isn't that crazy!!
Ok- I just went off on a tangent. Sorry. My reason for this post is to rant about people who have no manners or choose not to use them. I really do try to teach my boys to be courteous and to use good manners. I try to practice it myself. How hard is it to say thank you to someone who is holding the door for you or to wave at someone for letting you over in traffic. And if you're in your car driving, its pouring down rain and you see a woman with two kids and a basket load of groceries- its not going to kill you to stop and allow her to cross the road.
Why is it that our society has become all about "ME?" When did we lose sight of other people's feeling and needs?
Reading back through this, my father would tell me to go back to bed and get up on the right side this time. :) Maybe I'll take some Midol and do that. :)


Montee said...

Oh my, I was just thinking the same thing today. I was going to post something similar on my blog when I have the chance. I want to rant too! I sat with some kids with bad manners yesterday at a ballgame. It was terrible!

Susan said...

Hey Montee! I don't know you but its good to hear from you. I'll have to check your blog for your post on bad manners. They seem to be rampant these days! :)

Amy Lafayett said...

I could not agree more. I could go off on a rant right now myself. . . but I don't have time. Customer Service has also gone out the window with the manners! AAAGGGHH!!

Oh, by the way. . . I am a complete moron. I click on your blog everyday from my site and the same blog comes up from February about the 20 neat things to know (or something like that). I finally clicked on yours from another site to see if you really had not blogged since mid-February. I don't know what I did when I added your address to the blogroll, but I apologize. I feel like a goof ball and I have LOTS of catching up to do with your blogs!!!

Oh, my girls LOVE the train table. It has been a hit. Thank you soooo much! Rick loves the challenge of finding new ways to create tracks that connect, etc. It stressed me out to think that hard. But it has added some joy to our apartment. :)

Montee said...

I am Tracy Bros sister-in-law. She started me blogging. I live in TX. I enjoy reading all of Y'all's blogs. I am becoming addicted to this. I don't always have time to write but I like to check in and read real quick. I hope to write some this evening.

Susan said...

I am so glad the girls like the train table. You are so welcome. I was so glad to pass it on and now I have a little more space in our bonus room. Yeah- I didn't do very well trying to arrange a track for the train- most of the time I would make Jim do it - he liked doing it anyway. I'd start a track and then somehow not be able to connect it at the end- I'm with you - it was too stressful. :)
Please tell your husband congratulations on his degree!! I meant to leave a comment on your post and still probably will. That is an amazing achievement. I'm always in awe of people who are able to go back to school while working full time and with a family- its a big commitment. Thats so wonderful!!