Friday, October 10, 2008

And the Award goes too...

Montee at Montee is a Palmetto Girl, has given me my first blogger award! I "met" Montee through a friend from church, her sister in law Tracy. Technically we've never met although I feel like I know her. I LOVE reading her blog. She has amazing stories to share and I really enjoy the Friday Family Foto. I have been asked by Montee to write six interesting facts about myself and to pass this Kreativ Blogger Award on to six other of my blogging friends. Here goes:
1. I took Agriculture 101 in college. I needed another science credit and just had a nightmarishly difficult biology class the previous semester. I was told it was super easy and it was. I did learn quite a bit in the class. :)
2. I worked at Shoney's for all of 2 hours. They hired me and I went in to watch the training video. The manager let us go for lunch and I never went back.

3. I wanted to elope when I got married. Jim was the one who wanted the wedding. :)

4. I worked as a Children's Protective Services worker after I graduated from college and have been in the projects of Nashville many times in the middle of the night.
5. I still have my wisdom teeth, appendix, and tonsils.

6. I am not a love story movie kind of person. I'd rather see an intense psychological thriller or an action film.
Here are six blogs that I want to pass on this award.
1. Audrey
2. Sarah U.
3. Mandy
4. Jennifer W.
5. Heather
6. Sarah A.


Montee said...

I like the Shoney's story. I have to say I admire you for going into the projects. I am sure you saw a lot of things that made you appreciate what you have. I think more young people should experience things like that.

Audrey said...

the shoney's story IS great!
I'm so honored to accept this award. I would like to thank my family for supporting me during all of my bloggingness & my children for providing funny stories and videos to make my blog interesting. I raise my 'kreative blogger' award up to acknowledge my other stay-at-home mommy friends that have created a blog jsut like me so they feel they can stay connected to the world instead of going insane! :) :) (ha)

Sarah said...

AWWW. thanks for my award, you'll have to teach me how to put the picture on my blog. I loved your facts and can relate personally on half of them...I knew there was a reason we're friends.