Monday, October 20, 2008

What's The Scoop

Product #1
Mr Clean Mega Shower Foamer
Sometimes I like to clean. In a weird sort of way its therapeutic for me. Maybe its just that sense of accomplishment I get when I look at my shiny kitchen floor and enjoy it for the all of two minutes it will stay that way. When you have two boys ages 4 and 7, nothing stays clean very long. :)
The one room I hate to clean is the bathroom. The bathroom is hard work. Anything I can buy to make cleaning that room easier, I'm going to do it. Last week I bought the new Mr Clean Mega Shower Foamer. Its basically the old scrubbing bubbles with a spray foamer that covers a wider area.
I have to say that it does cover a bigger area with a good layer of scrubbing bubbles. I like scrubbing bubbles. I use it to clean because it really does do a lot of the work for you. I don't have to scrub the soap scum on the shower near as long and as hard when I use the bubbles.
I liked the Mega Shower Foamer and it does do what the commercial promises; however, it is quite a bit more expensive than the regular Mr Clean Scrubbing Bubbles which with more careful application can cover the exact same area just as well.
And having used the Target generic brand which is even cheaper and does the same job, I just don't see myself paying $4 plus dollars just for the wide spray.

Product #2
Mr Clean Magic Erasers

The Mr Clean Magic Erasers have become a staple in my house. Once again I have used the less expensive target brand with the same satisfactory results. These are so versatile. You can get just about anything up with the magic eraser. Crayon marks on walls- check. Shoe scuff marks on linoleum- check. built up crud on lawn chairs that were left outside through the winter-check. Sharpie marks on the kitchen table- check. The only drawback I've come across during my use is that you have to be careful what surface you use the eraser on. It can remove the finish from some things. I used it on my kitchen table when my boys got sharpie marks on it. It wasn't until the sun hit the table later that day that I noticed I had taken the finish off as well on the spots where I used the magic eraser. But, I would do it again because the sharpie marks on the table looked far worse than the spots left behind with the removed finish.


Unknown said...

I am with you- I love the Magic Erasers! They are amazing. I saw one email a while ago where a little boy was helping his mother clean and tried to clean his own arm , and wound up getting pretty bad burns from the chemicals. I have often wondered what is the chemical used in these things! It doesn't say on the box. They are great though- just keep out of reach of little ones...
I am a tilex kind of gal on the shower stuff. With tile, that is about all that really cleans it. I have tried several other things, and just can't get the same results. Recently I tired an eco friendly product, and it just didn't do a thing.
Maybe I'll try the scrubbing bubbles sometime on my regular shower/bath upstairs. Thanks for advice! I love your Monday scoop!

Montee said...

YAY for Magic Erasers!

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh, removes Sharpie from the kitchen table. I will have to try that. I guess it doesn't matter if the finish is removed, considering there are already big patches missing from a fingernail polish remover spill.....gotta love those kids!