Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What's Your Cardboard Testimony

This is a long clip but one well worth watching if you have never seen it before. It never ceases to amaze me what God can do in people's lives. I only have to look at myself to see that. My church, Long Hollow Baptist in Hendersonville, TN did their own version of this a few weeks ago. The clip below is from a church in South Carolina. I think what is so powerful about this, especially in witnessing those who did this at my own church, is that often times as we go about our daily lives, we get into this mind set of thinking how perfect other people are or how "easy" their lives are compared to our own. Sometimes we can think that no one has anything as objectionable in his/her past as we do. We can see a person living full force for the Lord and think well of course she's a Christian look how "good" she is. And that my friend is what is so amazing. To know the struggles and sin someone was in prior to accepting Christ and to see that enormous change, the aftermath if you will, of someone's life after becoming a Christian.
I've been thinking a lot about what my cardboard testimony would be since that worship service. For these people in this clip and for the members at my church who shared their hearts, thank you. I can't imagine it was easy to put your struggles in bold print for all to see but what a testimony. What's your cardboard testimony? I hope to share mine soon.

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