Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Drivin' Me Crazy!

I have to admit that I don't have much in the area of patience. Every day God uses things in my life to teach me more and more the importance of patience. I also want to say that I am by no means the best driver but what I do strive to do every single time I step in my car is to drive respectfully, responsibly, and defensively. So why do I feel like I'm about to lose my religion (I know I'm praying about it) every time I drive some where? Could it be because those of us who choose to drive in this manner are in a dwindling minority?

Here are a few things that get my goat (ok-I'm using something my daddy used to say a little further down so I felt I needed to incorporate something my mom said- and that's about all I could come up with relative to the subject at hand).

  • People who are in the right lane on the interstate but refuse to either get over, slow down, or speed up so that those coming on the interstate from the on ramp can merge over. (Where else are they gonna go people?)
  • In conjunction with that, people on the on ramp to the interstate who SLOW down to merge on the interstate. (The on ramp is an acceleration ramp for a reason.)
  • People who could very obviously change lanes but choose to ride down the lane (after seeing three or four signs-some flashing -LANE CLOSED) and screech over in front of someone else right before they themselves slam into the the orange and white construction barrels.
  • People who pull out in front of you when there is no other traffic for miles behind you.
  • Chronic speeders (and I really do mean people who go WAY above the speed limit). Every time I see someone passing me like the wind (while I'm doing 75 on the bypass), it makes me think of my daddy and what he used to say, "If you were in that big of a hurry you should have left sooner!"
  • People who do not stop and pull over for a funeral procession. I know that sometimes its impossible to do this so I don't mean those times.

Man, I feel a lot better. :) So what gets your goat when it comes to driving? Or if you are one of those people who doesn't get stressed at other people's driving, tell me how you do that. :)


Welcome to our crazy blessed life said...

Oh the things people do behind the wheel. I have a little road rage issue too. Munchkin asked me the other day why I say bad words when I am driving. I asked her what I say and I was relieved to hear "dumb". I suppose it could be a lot worse.
I may just add a few to your list...

Sarah said...

that thing on your steering column....you should USE IT when you're changing lanes, turning, etc.!!!! Drives me crazy.

Anonymous said...

hey susan! i read your blog, too :) funny post...one thing that bothers me is that you are supposed to leave a car length for every 10 miles per hour that you are going when driving ...but every time i do that a car comes in front of me and messes that up...so it is impossible! thanks for your input on my hair :)

Susan said...

I hate that too Carrie! I can't wait to see how your hair turns out. Have you decided on a style yet?