Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Parents of the Year- Right here!

I'm attaching this disclaimer to the beginning of my message. Be warned, the following is not pretty.

Both of my boys are not very good eaters. They will eat, just not a variety of things. Aidan is better than Avery- he will at least try new things and does have more of a variety in his diet including milk and some fruit. Last night I decided that I would start giving Aidan some vitamins (he's my three year old). Avery has been taking them for a while and he loves them. We never had a problem getting him to chew them up. And its just the Spiderman children's chewable vitamins- kind of like the flintstones vitamins I had growing up.

Aidan is VERY strong willed so I was working with him- had him sitting up on the kitchen counter(this would be my first mistake) talking to him about the vitamin. He watched Avery chew his vitamin. Here's our conversation...

Me "Aidan, you are going to take this vitamin. (this was after about 15 minutes of trying to "reason" with him :)
Aidan (not in an inside voice) "No! Its yucky. I'm not taking it!"
Me: (and I don't know why all of a sudden I got so determined with the vitamin)"You will sit here until you do."

Aidan "Why do I have to take it? Its yucky."

Me "Aidan, you have never had this before. You don't know if its yucky."
And on and on...

Then he tries to get off the counter ends up falling and scraping his back all the way down.

Reinforcements come in. Jim puts him back on the counter and I walk out of the room. As I'm sitting in the computer room I hear Aidan starts choking- I mean really choking. I jump up, run in just in time to see Jim putting Aidan over his knees and hitting him in the back. The vitamin comes flying out of his mouth and Aidan starts screaming. Apparently Jim had decided he'd just put it in his mouth and "assist" him by moving his jaws to help him chew it up. :)

Beaten down and defeated we put Aidan down. Aidan is now looking at us like someone has replaced his parents with aliens. He runs up stairs and we stand there looking at each other.

I start laughing thinking how this would look from the perspective of an onlooker just gazing into our house for the past 30 minutes. Then I start crying, blabbering to Jim that we are horrible parents- we almost choked our child just because we wanted him to take a vitamin.

Yep- that's my parent of the year story. I told you it wasn't pretty. :)


Meredith said...

More proof that Kinsey & Aidan were twins carried by two separate women born three weeks apart. She spit her Dora vitamins in the floor. They're just too strong-willed for their own good, bunch of should asks. ;)

Susan said...

Ha! I so needed this laugh this morning Meredith. Coffee almost came through my nose!! You're right, Kinsey and Aidan are so much alike. :)