Saturday, May 17, 2008

I've heard it happens...

... although I have yet to experience it. I think it is a miracle from God and when it does happen in my house I will fall down on my knees in awe. I know I just have to keep the faith. Keep praying and believing that the time will come. I think it must be one of those rare phenomenon- you know like a blue moon or a complete solar eclipse. It will be a day when we all live in peace and harmony. I'm waiting, waiting on the day when...

we have a day without whining!!!! Ok, so maybe I'd settle for a couple of hours. :)


Anonymous said...

AMEN sister!
You let me know when that happens because I need all the help I can get over here....
Bribery does work sometimes-

BTW- Sam's has some really cute bathing suits right now, have you been? I got one last night- some are the skirty ones like you were looking at, much cheaper too- they were $22!!! And they are Speedo-

Susan said...

Thanks Mandy! I'll have to go check them out! I haven't ordered one yet and if I can get one for cheaper I am all for that!!

Montee said...

I hate to tell you this, but sometimes the whining can last until they leave home. Britnee whined about things the most and did it until middle school. I have seen some kids whine all the way through high school, girls being the worst, so be glad you have a couple of boys!

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

Hmmm does it happen?! Really?! This truly would be a phenomenon! LOL Be sure to post if you DO get an entire day!