Tuesday, August 12, 2008

In The Bag

Help me out here. Do you do goody bags for your kiddos birthday parties? Why or why not?
I decided not to do them for Aidan's party this time because early on I thought we were having it at the theater. Included in the theater party was a movie ticket, and kids combo with drink, popcorn, and skittles. Since then we've changed our plans to Kids Party Jumps (a play place with inflatable slides, obstacle courses, etc). I had decided that since I didn't already have goody bag items ready to go that I just wouldn't do them this time. Now I'm feeling bad about that. What do you think?


Welcome to our crazy blessed life said...

We didn't do treat bags this year for either of our kids. For the first party I got a box of assorted full size bags of M&Ms and let the kids and parents choose what they wanted. For the second party we did the same only I bought 3 different kinds of assortments. I think they are $10 a box for 30 at Sams.

Montee said...

I used to do the bags when my two had their birthday parties. Every year I wondered who in the world thought goody bags up. I mean back in the day when I was young, we were just happy to be invited to the party, have cake and ice cream and play games. Why should I be giving gifts to guests when the birthday child was the one to be getting gifts? Well, I did the bags anyway. Susan, I think you should be a new trendsetter and say no to goody bags. I would not worry about doing them and go Old School. The party sounds fun by the way.

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

We never did goodie bags when we did the movie theater parties either... for other parties I tried to think of a little themed present instead of dollar store crud. For example, when they (my older 2 are two years apart, but their birthdays are one day apart so I've been able to combine parties so far) had their party at a bowling alley, I went and bought all the kids little mini bowling sets to take home... they were like $3.00 each.
We did a "beach" party one year and I gave them each a sand pail with a deflated beach ball and some bubbles, then we did crafts with colored sand.
I hate giving stuff that I KNOW is going to end up in the trash after a few days.
So there's my 4 cents... not sure it will get you anywhere! :)

Jennifer said...

Hey, thanks for adding me to your helpful links section! I especially like the "amazing" part. You're so sweet. I just finished a piece for my nephew and posted it. Hope you're having a good week!
And... about the goodie bags. I usually do, but we've never had many kids before. I'll buy stuff I see on sale throughout the year and stock up. For the jump place it's not entirely necessary or expected because they're getting to jump, I guess.

Anonymous said...

We are having Mackenzie's party this weekend and I have opted not to do goodie bags! It's just about to kill me, but really, who needs goodie bags! I think this should be the new trend too!

ChelleBelle said...

You know, I haven't really done a "kid" birthday party since we left Hendersonville - it's been mostly family meals with cake and presents afterwards. Last year, though, we had some family friends with a son a year younger than Lauren and a daughter Liam's age - it was a backyard kiddie pool and BBQ party - I just had a coloring book and box of crayons for the older kids, and a bathtub book for the 2 little ones. I figured they didn't really need any more little plastic toys LOL. I really like the idea of themed gifts - we went to one party where the kids painted T-shirts and got to take them home as their party favor. That was cool!

P.S. I have some blog bling for you - come visit and check it out!

Susan said...

Thanks for your comments ladies! Ok Leslie- lets you and I rock the boat and not do goody bags! :)