Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Things That Make You Go Hmmmm?

Aidan: Mommy, why did God put a line down our bottoms?
Me: (standing in the bathroom stall with him at Target wondering how to answer that) So the poop could come out. (If you have a better answer I'd love to hear it.)

I got excited at gas prices last week because they dropped below $3.50 a gallon.

Twelve check out lanes open at WalMart and I ALWAYS pick the one with the person who needs a price check.

I read that People magazine paid somewhere in the ballpark of 14 million dollars for pictures of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's twins. 14 million dollars!!

I'd love to see inside Aidan's little mind. He's always running around saying some random thing. My friend's husband picked up their kids at our house one afternoon and Aidan was running around shouting, "Bloody head! Bloody head!" That same friends husband was over with his family one evening and Aidan was running around screaming, "Whoopee Cushion! Whoopee Cushion!" I'm certain he's going, "Hmmmm..."

Laurence Fishburne is replacing William Petersen's Gil Grissom character on CSI. I like Laurence Fishburne but I just don't think it will be the same.

Me: (in a really annoyed voice) Avery, will you please pick up the toys when you are done playing with them? How many times have I asked you not to get something else out without picking up what you had out to begin with......
Avery: Mommy, I think you need some YOU time.

We have a company doing yard work for us. Not mowing or landscaping stuff but more like the things that a company like ChemLawn (its not them) would do. Our yard looks worse than when they started. We have more weeds than before and our lawn is dead. I asked Jim to call and cancel the service and to ask what they had been doing to the lawn. They gave him the spill about how it takes a year to see results (not true-we've had other services where we saw results on the second visit). What have they been doing to the yard? (because it certainly hasn't been spreading weed killer) Fertilizing- in the heat of the summer. What? So, we've been paying $47 a session for them to kill our lawn. :)

And last but not least... Why do we park in a driveway and drive on a parkway? Sorry- couldn't resist throwing that in!
Smile! Its Wednesday. We're halfway to the weekend!


Jennifer said...

THIS is why I love you. I was laughing in a house all by myself reading this. Thanks for that, Susan!

Anonymous said...

Uh, Susan, you left out the other one Aidan said today....I think you need to post an addendum :)

Tracy Brothers said...

This is so funny. I've been composing a post with the exact same title. I laughed out loud at "I think you need some YOU time." That's great!

Montee said...

I am with you on Laurence Fishburne. Not sure how he'll be. Ha, I have a funny story about the line on the bottom involving Phillip and Brett, but I'd better not write that. Their discussion took place this summer, so with boys, the fascination with behinds never ends.