Wednesday, September 24, 2008

If You Lived On My Street...

... you could have started your day with a huge laugh. Just as the school bus was pulling away, I realized that Avery had forgot to get his snacks for his classroom celebration. I ran in, grabbed the bag of snacks, grabbed Aidan and took off down the street running like the wind (ok maybe more like an elephant)to catch the bus. So here I am, Aidan in tow waving my arms like crazy, hoping the driver would see me. She finally stopped at the end of our street. By the time I caught up to her, I was so out of breath I could barely speak. So I'm certain I looked like someone crazy running down the street, flailing my arms BUT Ms. Huey's second grade class WILL have their celebration snacks. Its all about priorities. :)
And maybe next time I'll just hop in the car. :)


Welcome to our crazy blessed life said...

bahaha!! :) What a great mom that you were willing to chase the bus to get snacks for his class! :)

Jennifer said...

That made me smile! HA!! Love it.