Monday, September 29, 2008

What's The Scoop

Product #1
Mr. or Mrs. Potato Head Pumpkin Decorating Kits

These are wonderful! They come in several different kits including but not limited to a princess, a witch, a pirate, and a monster. Its exactly what you think it is. It has Mr. Potato head parts to poke in to your pumpkin. Our boys are always ready to get a pumpkin at the first sign of Fall. Usually because we carve one so early, the pumpkin ends up rotting way before Halloween and we throw it away and end up getting another one.
With the potato head parts, you don't have to carve the pumpkin and I'm guessing because of that, the pumpkin will last a lot longer. I'll have to let you know on that one. What I do know is that even if your pumpkin goes bad, you can still just pull the Potato Head parts out, toss it, buy a new one, and presto in 15 minutes have another one that looks completely like the first.
Can you just use regular Potato head parts? I haven't tried it but it seems to me that the Potato Head Pumpkin kit pieces have a longer stem to push in.
I purchased our kit at Target for $5.99

Product #2
Apple Cider Vinegar

This is not really a product review as much as it is a helpful hint. My sweet neighbor down the street gave me this advice when I mentioned we had a fruit fly problem. Get an 8 ounce cup and fill it half full with apple cider vinegar. Put 2-3 drops of liquid dish detergent (Dawn, Palmolive, etc.) Just let it sit on your kitchen counter for a few days and its amazing. The apple cider vinegar draws them to the cup and the dish detergent kills them. No more fruit flies!


Tracy Brothers said...

Love the Mr. Potato head pumpkin kit. I'm definitely going to have to get one of those.

Great tip on the fruit flies. We had a big problem this past summer. Finally found the old banana in an old lunchbox but it took forever to get rid of the fruit flies. We used cider vinegar and made a funnel inside so they could get in but not out. When we'd catch a bunch we'd take them outside, swish them in the vinegar to kill them and throw it out. WISH I HAD KNOWN ABOUT THE DISH DETERGENT! So you didn't have to do anything to keep them in? The dish detergent just killed them?

Susan said...

No- just the dish detergent- I guess for them its poisonous. When you come back, they are at the bottom of the glass. :)
I'm sure you can get the Potato Head kits at WalMart too. Just don't order them online- I saw them at a couple of websites for $9.99.

Anonymous said...

I am doing that vinegar trick as soon as I get home! That's the problem with trying to eat healthy...pesky little buggers.

Anonymous said...

oops, that was me, Saundra

Anonymous said...

I had to come read this post again. I put WHITE vinegar & dish soap on the counter & got nothing. Trying it again with APPLE CIDER vineger!