Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Worn- Part 2

I think maybe I should have come up with a different title. I probably would have except I want those of you that have prayed for me to know that your prayers were felt and so very appreciated and I believe answered. I have some very wonderful women in my life. Some I've known for years and others I've just recently met. They are an eclectic group of ladies all with different lifestyles but with a common thread- their love for the Lord. I am constantly amazed and inspired as well as encouraged by them.
I was feeling very unsettled about six months ago and questioning where the Lord was leading me. I am a stay at home mom and was really feeling like I needed to be doing something more. I wrote this post about how I was feeling at the time. Many of these women had some very sound advice and I know they have been praying. I've been praying too and really making sure that I'm listening to the Lord. One of the best suggestions was from sweet Sarah who encouraged me to "wait" and not do anything until I was sure what the Lord was saying to me. Now I haven't known Sarah a long time but I felt like she sure knew me when she left this comment. I struggle with so many things but can I just tell you that patience is a HUGE one for me. So I took her advice.
Here I am six months later feeling satisfied. Satisfied that I am where God wants me to be. Satisfied that this is where He has me in this season of my life. Satisfied in His sovereignty. I have so much to learn and man can the Lord really use my experiences as a stay at home mom of two little boys to teach me! Patience- yeah He's got me working on that- and that may very well be a lifelong process for me. Submission- check-I'm learning about that too- why it can be so difficult for me to submit to His will when He ALWAYS has the best for me. One that I'm not very proud to have to be working on is envy. I don't know- maybe there is a better term for it. Its not a nice thing to admit about yourself but if you are ever going to change it you have to own it. I have allowed myself to focus too much on material things- a bigger house, a nicer car- the list goes on and on. He's working on me here too.
I want to close this post with a quotation I remember Audrey using. I'm not sure who said it, maybe she knows. Its just one of those things that hits you like a ton of bricks or at least it really hit home for me.
"Where contentment ends is where comparison begins."
I sure hope I got that right. Ladies, thank you for continuing to pray for me. I love you all!


Anonymous said...

Susan, I got chills reading that! We are kindrid spirits I believe in LOTS of ways. We just have to get together! :) I'm so glad the Lord has given you peace AND that you had the discipline to wait, wait, wait. I treasure you girl!

Montee said...

Susan,I am happy for you that you are feeling more content. I have been a stay-at-home mama for almost 20 years now. A couple of years ago I started thinking that I had not contributed a whole lot to my family because I did not work outside of the home. Then God brought different people into my life that showed me I was and am where I need to be. My marriage is successful, my children are successful and love The Lord. I have done some of the most important work that anyone can do. For some of us, the Lord leads us to this "career." I remember my son Brett was interviewed on the radio when he was 5 years old. The interviewer was asking what it's like being a professional baseball coach's son. The interviewer asked what Brett's mama did. Brett's answer in his sweet little voice, "Nothing." I did really think it was funny at the time. I know someday when Brett and Britnee have their own children, they will realize my works but even if they don't, so what. We have done without the big house and the fancy cars so that I could stay home with them. (There were times when I really wished for those too) My reward has been being able to watch and mold these two precious creatures. I thank God for that everyday. All of us need to continue to pray for each other. You are in no way alone with your feelings as a mother. God Bless!

Anonymous said...

Thats funny lady, in my college speech class our last assignment was to come up with one word that describes yourself. My word was contentment! It speaks volumes, it is so underestimated.
Contentment is being happy with where the Lord has placed you and finding happiness under his direction.
Many people live their life searching for contentment and never find it when all along is was right under their nose in their heart! :)
love you lady
Vickie Moser